On Wednesday morning, January 5, my retired Seeing Eye dog Nellie suddenly became very ill and collapsed as I was getting ready for work. As Bjorn and I rushed her to our vet clinic in West Seattle I was in shock as she has been so healthy, happy and full of joy.
We learned she had a mass behind her heart that had ruptured and Nellie was bleeding internally -- there was nothing to do but have her put to sleep.
She was my second dog after Louise worked here at Bellevue College. Nellie was a little (?) ADHD, a lot energetic and social and very petite with mostly hair apricot in color until her stroke 7 years ago when I retired her. At that point she began turning completely white! She loved her retirement and thrived at home.
Many of you had a special connection with Nellie: she knew how to work a room like no other dog I have ever known …. She befriended many of you and was honored at one of President Jean Floten’s end of the year speeches upon her retirement, picture and all.
My heart is heavy with grief, but that little girl dog did more to comfort and guide me in her 13 years than family members could ever have hoped to do in the same amount of time passed.
May her spirit live on in those who knew her.
Susan Gjolmesli