Friday, February 19, 2010

Needs no Words

Nellie and Inez. happy in the shade of a tree.I think in images and patterns. Susan surprised me by saying she thinks in the same way.

At first I didn't get it.

Then I realized that images we see are all created inside our brains.

I'd like to think about that for a while....
Björn kicking back in front of the old homestead.

1 comment:

  1. I am not a visual thinker, but my husband and at least one of my daughters are. I try to wrap my head around the concept that I think in words/concepts, but they think in pictures. A book that helped me understand this a bit better was "The Gift of Dyslexia". I think, however, that it might be easier for ME to understand THEIR way of thinking than vice-versa!

    In some ways I'm jealous - I cannot "see" faces or places in my memory they way they can. For example, I "know" what my grandparent's faces looked like, but I can't "picture" them as if looking at a snapshot.


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